A dental veneer refers to a thin layer of ceramic or porcelain material that completely covers a tooth. Veneers are a great choice if you want to close up spaces between your teeth, repair a broken tooth, make crooked teeth appear straight or stained teeth look whiter.
The process involved in getting a dental veneer is relatively simple and quick. First, your dentist will remove approximately 0.3 to 1.2 millimeters of enamel from the tooth’s surface. He’ll then create an impression of the tooth. Dental lab technicians will then make a veneer for the tooth based on the impression, and your dentist will apply the veneer using an adhesive and a light beam to quicken the hardening process.
There are several advantages of dental veneers:
• Dental veneers look just like your natural teeth. Because the veneer is made from an impression, the shape matches your original tooth. Lab technicians also make sure that the shade of the veneer is as close as possible to the rest of your teeth.
• Veneers are usually less expensive than other alternatives, such as crowns.
• Dental veneers will typically last for many years.
• Veneers are easy to maintain. You simply use the same oral hygiene techniques that you would for your normal teeth – namely, brushing and flossing twice a day and visiting your dentist on a regular basis for professional cleanings and checkups.
Ask your dentist for more information about dental veneers. He or she can help you decide whether or not you’re a good candidate for this innovative solution to many dental problems.
Source: http://www.webmd.com/oral-health/america-asks-12/cosmetic-dentistry
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