If you have to go in for a dental procedure, you want to know that the sedative they give you will be strong enough to keep you comfortable throughout.
However, few want to be burdened with a long-lasting effect. In fact, most patients are hopeful that a dental procedure and the recovery from it won’t interrupt their schedule and daily responsibilities.
In order to accommodate the needs of dental patients, studies have been performed to determine whether a combination of sedatives would produce a more desirable result.
Participants in a recent study were divided into two groups, each of which were to have wisdom teeth removed. The double-blind study monitored both the effects of the sedatives during surgery and the time needed to emerge from the anesthesia afterward.
The control group received propofol-remifentanil intravenously, while the second group was dosed with propofol-ketamine.
Those in the second group were under the effects of the anesthesia much longer. On average, they required an additional six and a half minutes to emerge from those effects, as compared to the participants that received remifentanil.
They also had a difficult time regaining composure to prepare for discharge.
Those receiving ketamine required nearly three-quarters of an hour to reach that level of lucidity, whereas those in the first group needed less than half an hour on average.
While the remifentanil is a more expensive option for sedation, it has proven its worth by providing patients comfort during a procedure and a short recovery time.
For more information on this comparison, continue reading the full article.