Medical emergency kits are common in vehicles on the road today. This is great, given the risks while traveling. It is good to know that medical care is within reach.
First aid kits are sold in stores throughout the country for a very reasonable price.
However, what happens when there is a dental emergency on the road?
Though people take great precautions to be ready should someone suffer in an accident, they often overlook the damage that could be done to the mouth. Some of this dental trouble can be very minor and unprovoked, while other issues can be more serious.
Being prepared for dental emergencies is just as important as the first aid kit. It doesn’t take much to be prepared in case of an unexpected dental problem.
There are a few minor things that can be added to the existing medical kit that will keep your mouth safe until you get to the dentist’s office.
Petroleum jelly or temporary dental cement can be used to replace a dislodged cap or crown.
Sugarless gum or dental wax can prevent cuts from sharp wires of braces.
Though help for a broken filling will be needed as immediately as possible, a small cotton pellet soaked in oil of cloves can fill the space and ease any related discomfort until you get to the dentist. This is made much easier with a pen light and a dental mirror.
If a tooth is dislodged, it is good to try to replace it as quickly as possible without disrupting any tissue particle on it. If that doesn’t work, the tooth can be preserved in the side of the mouth (just be careful not to swallow. It can also be placed in a cup of milk until arriving at the dental office.
Gauze can be used to control bleeding from tooth loss and as a result of mouth trauma as well.
For more travel tips and safety advice, keep reading the full article.