Bad breath is all together evil. It can be pure torment when forced to speak in close proximity with someone who is suffering the ill-fate, but what is worse is when you are the one that others try to avoid. So, what causes this oral demon?
Bad breath is actually the result of bacterial buildup within the mouth. This forms as a result of food particles missed by brush or floss and left to linger. As it breaks down, bacteria forms and puts off an often putrid smell. This, of course, can be made worse by eating certain foods such as onions or garlic. Furthermore, the dryer the mouth is, the less likely that the bacteria will be washed away. If it is not, then there is room for bacteria to build upon bacteria, making for an even more unbearable scent. There are also certain medical afflictions that can make this worse. These include postnasal drip and chronic bronchitis, among others.
In order to beat away the offensive odor, reach for your tooth brush. However, the target isn’t necessarily going to be the teeth. While brushing and flossing is very important in the defense against bad breath, decay, and disease, it is the tongue that is a frequent culprit. Use the brush to gently scrub the tongue, especially near the back of the mouth. Also consider regular use of mouthwash and increasing water intake to keep the mouth moist. In the battle of bad breath, these techniques almost always win.