There are many parts of childhood that were fun, exciting, and are now thought of with fond memories. However, brushing your teeth isn’t likely one of them. Kids notoriously think little of this routine. If you have kids, then, undoubtedly, you have seen them only chew on the bristles for a few seconds before spitting out the undamaged chunk of toothpaste a time or two in the past.
So, how does one get a person with so many other things on his or her mind to take the time to brush right?
There are a few things that can be done to make this process more fun and rewarding, which would give your child reason to do so. For instance, buying the right kind of toothbrush can be a good start. A favorite cartoon character on the side, one that spins, or even one that plays music may do the trick; toothbrushes, like anything else in their world, are immediately judged on entertainment value.
Try helping. Yes, most kids will put up resistance to a parent’s interference, but there are ways around this blockade. Consider allowing the child to brush your teeth first. Using the ‘if I do it, you can do it mentality’ can often accomplish the goal at hand. However, it is a good idea to let the child brush his or her own teeth for a minute or two each time as well. It is building a foundation for good brushing in the future.
Finally, consider implementing a reward system. It may sound silly, but something as simple as a sticker chart that rewards a child with another sticker each time he or she brushes can prove very effective as well.
For more tips on how to get this job done well, keep reading.