Dentists’ warnings are not going unnoticed in Austin, Texas, where, recently, a meeting was held with City Council to discuss the addition of fluoride to the general population’s drinking water.
What has long been seen as a good thing for dental health is now being reconsidered. More and more scientists and researchers are pointing to potential problems caused by the levels of the additive in drinking water, warning that there must be attention paid to its effect on overall health and well being – not just dental effects.
The meeting, which was held with this specific matter in mind, provided all members to get more information on the topic, which had been a matter of concern for many local residents for years. Speakers were brought in and debated the pros and cons of the addition to public water supplies.
It was argued that the speakers in favor of maintaining the fluoridation practices in place were not providing adequate evidence that it truly benefited the people drinking it. Yet, those opposed to it sited many peer reviewed studies as evidence for why it should be done away with.
Dental professionals battled it out with very strong opinions one way or the other in a very heated exchange. Ultimately, a decision has not yet been made, but the judgment made in this case could very well be the start of a pattern throughout the United States.
For more information, read the full article here.
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